our valuable product : Beetroot Brokoli Buncis Lokal Daikon Daun Bawang Horenzo Jagung Manis Kulit Jagung Manis Kupas Jeruk Lemon Jeruk Limo Jeruk Nipis Kabocha Hijau Kabocha Kuning Kacang Merah Kacang Panjang Kangkung Kembang Kol Kentang TESS Besar Kentang Kecil Kol Merah Kol Putih Kyuri Labu Parang Labu siam acar Labu Siam Besar Lettuce Head Oyong Pakcoy Super Paprika Hijau Paprika Kuning Paprika Merah Pare Hijau Pare Putih Sawi Putih Selada Keriting Hijau Seledri Lokal Terung Ungu Timun Acar Timun Lalap Tomat Cherry Tomat Lokal Toge ubi merah Ubi Ungu/ Murasaki Wortel Zukini Hijau bengkuang

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

MTS trading

.:: mts TRADING ::.

mts Trading has joint cooperation with Mekar Tani Jaya (established in 10 October 1987), the group farmer, successor of Ciung Wanara (established in early '70th until '90th). After exceeding the tidal period of farming phase from conventional way to currently using high technology, now Mekar Tani Jaya maintaining its best product and steps forward to penetrate the international market.

Since February 2008, products of Mekar Tani Jaya are named “Jothany Farm” as trade marks andmts Trading as sole distributor.

Beside agriculture product, mts Trading are also sole agent of Yuasa Battery Indonesia.


Directly managed by Group of Farmers MTJ & Jothany Farm and also joint from another land fields with local farmers under MTJ Management. With Total land area 18,2 Ha. This land fields are located in Lembang, Bandung Barat.

Landfields owned by: Purna Bakti Indosat, Purna Bakti Bank Mandiri, Purna Bakti Telkom, individual and farmers group of farmers with land area approx. 42 Ha. This landfields are located in Lembang, Ciawi, Bogor, Majalengka and Garut.


- Cabe paprika/chilli peppers
- Asparagus/asparagus
- Brokoli/broccoli
- Tomat Beef/tomato beef
- Chery/cherry 
- Zukini/zucchini
- Kyuri/kyuri
- Bunga Kol/cauli flowers

- Lettuce/lettuce
- Kubis Merah/red cabbage
- Jagung Manis/sweet corn
- Nasubi (Terong Jepang)
- Capri Manis/sweet capri
- Horenzo/horenzo
- Pakchoi/pakchoi
- Kailan/kailan



.:: Cultivation Technology ::.
>>Hidroponics System:

Tomato Beef, Paprika.
>>Screen House System:
Kyuri, Horenzo, Tomato, Cherry, Asparagus.
>>Conventional System:
Broccoli, Letuce, cauli flower, Nasubi, Tomato, Cabbage,etc.
Cultivation Technology referring to Good Agricultral Practices (GAP), Certification and Decision Letter from the Department of Agriculture.
.:: Cropping Pattern::.
Productions are adjusted with market needs and scheduled croping pattern in order to maintain quota continuity.
.:: Harvest & After ::.
Harvest and after harvest handling referring to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) cooperate with AFFA Australia and USAID.
.:: Storage & Packing ::.
.:: Distribution ::.
Documentation, sorting per destination, delivery.

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